Thursday, January 21, 2010

This week, My son has Finally concluded his "potty training". This is huge stuff, as he is four and a half and will be starting kindergarten this coming Fall. Yay! It just seemed to suddenly "click" , hes a "big boy" and his little brother is a "baby". Ah and after all that stress for all of us , trying to force , coerce, trick, treat and buy his way into using the "big boy toilet". Sigh..
One thing off the list! I'm on a roll now!

1 comment:

  1. It nice to hear that I am not the only one struggling with potty-training. It doesn't help that others (in-laws)pressure you with their timelines of when they think you should have certain things done. It's so easy to feel like a crapy parent! I am very happy for you and your accomplishment!
